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Vacation scheme insider

Clare Lash-Williams

Clare Lash-Williams


Summer 2023




University of Exeter

What key skills are required to have a successful experience on the vacation scheme?

Confidence was one of the most important skills, or attributes, that I realised was necessary for a successful vacation scheme, especially when it came to asking for help when I was unsure about elements of a task. At first, I wanted to look competent when asked to complete tasks, but I quickly realised that questions were welcomed. Being confident enabled me to get involved in a good amount of work, and my experience on the scheme was more valuable as a result – for myself and the firm.

What was it about the firm that attracted you to apply to its scheme?

After researching several law firms in my area, I knew immediately that I wanted to secure a scheme with Trowers & Hamlins. As a career-changer and a mature student, I was keen on gaining experience at a law firm that was going to embrace these qualities and recognise them as attributes. Trowers & Hamlins’ focus on diversity and inclusion was one of the main reasons I applied to the firm. From the outset, I felt welcomed and valued. When meeting any member of the firm, I felt that my age was an attribute, rather than a barrier.

Do you have any advice about networking while on the vacation scheme?

Throughout the vacation scheme at Trowers & Hamlins, there were constant opportunities to network with members of the firm. My advice to future vacation schemers would be to talk to everyone! Accept every coffee offer or lunchtime chat. This way, you can get a full understanding of how the firm works and how people feel about their roles. I accepted a number of these meeting opportunities, and they were invaluable for understanding the company and seeking advice. 

Did your attendance on the scheme support your application for a training contract?

Completing the scheme made it much easier to understand how Trowers & Hamlins works and what would be expected of me as a trainee. The knowledge I gained was helpful for discussion points in the training contract interview. After spending two weeks at the firm, I understood what the firm is looking for in a trainee. Undoubtedly, a vacation scheme is the best window into a law firm, allowing both you and the firm to recognise your full potential.

How did the scheme end?

At the end of the scheme, we each had a training contract interview. Understandably, everyone was nervous, but we had an information session beforehand, which proved to be immensely helpful to our preparation. I researched the firm meticulously to ensure that I could answer questions confidently. During the interview, it became clear that Trowers & Hamlins is interested in its employees and in finding the right people. My interviewers were approachable, and the questions focused on finding out more about me. It wasn’t at all nerve-racking – it was a really enjoyable experience.

What’s one piece of advice you’d pass on to future vacation schemer?

Be yourself! Law firms want to see who you really are so approach the scheme authentically. Be honest about who you are and how you see yourself.