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Crown Prosecution Service

160 vacancies
160 trainees
0 partners
7000 staff
The Crown Prosecution Service recruits 80 pupil barristers and 80 trainee solicitors across England and Wales, with permanent Crown Prosecutor posts offered once successfully qualified.

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CPS Strategic Resourcing Team

  • Niche

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CPS HQ - Petty France, 102 Petty France Westminster, London, SW1H 9AJ
Phone: 020 3357 0000
Email: [email protected]
Training programmes offered:
  • Solicitor apprenticeship
Work placement: Yes
Number of vacation schemes: 0
Minimum qualification: 2:2 undergraduate degree – see advertisements
Start salary: £28,760-£30,290 national, £30,130-£32,090 London
  • Various across England
  • Wales