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Extenuating circumstances in applications

updated on 25 June 2024

Reading time: two minutes

It’s so important to inform employers and universities when you experience genuine mitigating circumstances that have affected or may affect your academic performance.

This can be difficult – an applicant who’s suffered a serious illness may, understandably, be uncomfortable talking to recruiters about something so personal. Meanwhile, in the cases of some law firms that use automated application screening systems, any bad grades that could be a result of extenuating circumstances may mean that a candidate’s application is screened out before it’s even read by a human being.

All kinds of unfortunate things beyond our control can happen to put normal life on hold. Illness, bereavement and family problems are all likely to affect every one of us at some point. Yet when disaster strikes, everything else seems to carry on as usual and it’s easy to worry you’re being left behind.

When the worst happens for someone on the intensely demanding and competitive path to a career in law, it can negatively impact their studies and results. Plus, it might prevent them from pursuing valuable work experience opportunities. All of these setbacks are of course serious disadvantages when applying for a training contract or pupillage.

How can I include extenuating circumstances in my law firm applications?

The first action you can take to make your potential employer aware of any genuine extenuating circumstances is to contact the recruitment team at the firm you want to apply to and enquire about how best to display any extenuating circumstances in your application. Before reaching out, it’s worth making sure this information isn’t readily available on the firm’s website. Keep it professional and matter of fact – you don’t have to disclose every detail and many people would feel uncomfortable revealing that much.

You may also need to provide verification of what happened in the form – for example, a doctor’s letter or a supporting letter from your university, college or school. It’s important that you can demonstrate that in ‘normal’ circumstances you achieve good grades and are the kind of bright, keen person to pursue legal work experience. Extenuating circumstances can explain a bad exam or a bad year, but the usual rules apply in that firms want to employ candidates who are engaged, hardworking people who they believe will make good lawyers.

Want to find out more about becoming a solicitor? Head to LawCareers.Net’s Solicitors hub for application advice, firm insights and training contract details.

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