Apprentice Lauren Riley to crowdfund The Link App

updated on 10 June 2015

Lauren Riley - solicitor and former Apprentice contestant - has announced that the app designed by her to streamline the working practices of busy lawyers will be aiming to raise £150,000 of equity funding via Crowd2Fund.

Already attracting the attention of around 80 law firms, The Link App was created with a view to improving customer service, and saving lawyers’ time and money. It keeps clients informed of the stage at which their cases are at with regular notifications, without the need for time-consuming back-and-forth communication via phone, email or letter. Although the app is currently focused purely on firms, there is the chance that it could be developed to apply to other professional sectors.

Riley said: "As an entrepreneur, I was convinced that there must be a better way for lawyers to communicate with their clients - after all, this is the 21st century. After listening to the continued grumblings of my colleagues who work in law, I had my 'eureka' moment and The Link App was born. We’ve seen phenomenal interest in the app so far and using the crowd is a modern way to raise funds for a modern company."